Silver Breeze
Silver Breeze - Désinfectant Naturel Surpuissant
Outre la toxicité des produits de synthèse, aucun désinfectant chimique n'est aussi efficace que le Silver Breeze, et de loin!
Silver Breeze: Un Désinfectant inodore de haut standard
Sûr pour les êtres humains, les animaux et l'environnement!
Silver Breeze agit efficacement contre les champignons, les bactéries et les virus, et empêche durablement leur prolifération!
Ce désinfectant est basé sur l'effet métallique de l'argent et l'effet oxydant du péroxyde d'oxygène (H2O2).
La combinaison de ces deux produits provoque une synergie rendant le Silver Breeze hautement efficace, même pour éradiquer les films microbiens.
Silver Breeze est, de par le monde, l'un des très rares désinfectants capables de détruire ces films bactériens potentiellement dangereux.
Silver Breeze est inodore, n'irrite pas la peau ou les muqueuses et ne provoque pas d'allergies.
Silver Breeze n'est ni cancérigène ni mutagène.
Dans la maison et à ses abords les emplacements où dorment les chiens et les chats sont un terrain de prédilection pour les parasites et microbes pathogènes.
Silver Breeze garantit une longue durée de désinfection sans causer aucun dommage à vos animaux familiers!
Silver Breeze a été approuvé par les autorités sanitaires suisses.
[A ce sujet, il est possible de lire le texte (anglais) ci-après...]
Commander le spray manuel Silver Breeze+ cartouche rechargeable(Pompe manuelle écologique)
Disinfectant spray approved by Swiss Authorities
SILVER BREEZE has been approved by the Swiss Federal Health
Office (SFOPH.) and has been registered with the following numbers as a
disinfectant spray for commerce:
(Swiss Federal Office of Public Health)
SFOPH T Nr. (Swiss legislation): 104893
Poisoning class (Swiss legislation): free
SFOPH E Nr. (Swiss regulation on disinfectant products): 1520
Extracts from the Swiss regulation:
According to the regulation on disinfectant and disinfection
products, SILVER BREEZE is approved by the chemical department of SFOPH
and has been added to the toxicological list. This product must fulfil
the requirements of the toxicological norms, as well as the regulation
on disinfectant and disinfection products, before being placed on the
Each product on the market needs a registration dossier that must be transmitted to the chemical department.
The biocides of chemical disinfectants reduce the numbers of
microbes on surfaces, the structure or metabolism of the microbe is
destroyed. For a product to be considered effective, a sufficient
number of micro-organisms have to be eliminated.
It is the duty of the registered to prove the effectiveness of the
product. The microbes are subdivided into bacteria, mycosis,
myco-bacteria (pathogen of tuberculosis), viruses and spore-forming
In order to define a product as “disinfectant” in Switzerland, it
must be capable to act against bacteria and mycosis. The effectiveness
is tested on a certain quantity of bacteria and mycosis, which can
change according to the regulations in force. In addition to the
standard requirements, further organisms, such as salmonellas, viruses,
myco-bacteria, spores, etc have to be specifically listed on the label.
The effectiveness of each single group has to be demonstrated
SFOPH carry out an evaluation of the dossier, and decide the
effectiveness of the disinfectant from the reports received from the
experts. The text on the label and the instructions must be conform to
the properties and the effectiveness.
Once the above requirements are fulfilled, the disinfectants receives approval and a SFOPH-E number.
Anaylses for the determination of the effectiveness (according to SFOPH requirements)
In order to prove the effectiveness of a product, the experts have
established standard tests, wherein the general principles are listed.
For over 20 years, standard tests exist in various countries. In order
to unify the methods of these tests, and the evaluation of the Control
Authorities, the European Committee for the Standardization (CEN) has
created a technical committee for disinfectant products, the CT216. We
are in a transition phase, in which, to prove the effectiveness of a
product, it must fulfil the “regional” tests, some of which are
existing since a short or a long period (AFNOR,DGHM), as well as the
European regulations.
The evaluations will be approved according to the general
pre-established regulations, which are existing since a long time,
except when these diverge excessively from the European regulations.
In order to establish the properties of the biocides, an experimental
part consisting of three phases has been supplied. Each phase or stage
supplies further information regarding the strong and weak points of
the product.
Phase 1:
Phase 1 consists on a qualitative suspension test. An evaluation
takes place to see if the product has a basic effect against specific
organisms. The product is diluted with water in order to reach various
concentrations. This is a qualitative test, as the result will show if
the product, in the various tested concentrations, is effective or not.
Further interfering substances are not added in this phase of the
tested concentrations.
Phase 2:
Phase 2/Stage 1 consists on a quantitative suspension test. Not
only the product is diluted in water, but interfering substances are
added, which stimulate an organic load. Such a load is often
encountered in practice, since we find dirty surfaces, instruments or
hands to be disinfected. This phase is important, since certain
substances react to proteins and in this way are hindered, and the
product looses its effectiveness. It is a quantitative test, as the
reduction of the number of specific organisms, calculated in
log10-stages is transmitted.
Phase 3:
Phase 3/Stage 2 exposes a decisive stage, as the experimental
conditions of the tests are confronted with the circumstances, which
predominate during the application in practice. In other words,
practical conditions are created with these tests. Contrary to the
tests of the two above-mentioned stages, which are the same for all
types of application, in this last phase, the tests differ according to
the field of application of the disinfectant.
SILVER BREEZE, produced for the public, serves as a disinfectant
for surfaces, and therefore has been tested in phase 3 being considered
suitable in this application field.
These three test phases supply the necessary knowledge for the approval
of the effectiveness of SILVER BREEZE, produced for the public,
effective against various specific organisms, efficient on various
concentrations of application and effective within established time
limits. Since these tests are standardized, a reliable confrontation of
the compositions of the various active substances is possible.
SILVER BREEZE has been classified by the Control Authorities as a
very effective disinfectant, since the reduction of the number of
micro-organisms treated with SILVER BREEZE has satisfied the severe
legislative requirements, which is more than:
5 log 10 for bacteria
4 log 10 for mycosis
4 log 10 for viruses
Various micro-organisms used for the diverse phases of tests 1 – 3
- Enterovirus Polio1, Stamm SABIN, culture on cell VERO
- Adenovirus human Typus, culture on cell KB
- Orthopoxvirus Vaccinia, culture on cell VERO
- Aspergillus niger, ATCC 8739
- Candida albicans, ATCC 10231
- E. coli, ATCC 10536 and 25922, K12 NCTC 10535.